10-26-93 NOTEBOOK ver 2.0 ©1992,1993 JEK Software By Jim Kindley - Files - NoteBook.exe The Program Notebook.ini The Save Settings file (note: Notebook will create this file the first time you run it.) NoteBook.txt You are reading it now NoteBook.hlp Help file ctl3d.dll Microsoft 3D DLL - Installation - Move NoteBook.exe & NoteBook.hlp into the windows directory. Move the ctl3d.dll file into the windows\system directory. If you want Notebook to run automatically from the File Manager then you will have to modify the WIN.INI file. BEFORE: [Extensions] txt=notepad.exe ^.txt AFTER: [Extensions] ini=notebook.exe ^.ini txt=notebook.exe ^.txt - Overview - This Program is designed as a replacement for the Microsoft NotePad program that comes with Windows. This program is a text editor with the following improvements: • Multiple Document Interface; That means you can open up more than one document at a time. • Editor can handle any size file ( Breaks 64K Limit). • Page Settings & Window Position are saved. • Good Search, Replace & Next Feature. • Can't run more than one copy of NOTEBOOK. • Multiple document loading on a run line. • Drag and Drop document loading. • Status Line with Line Counter, Modified Flag & Clock. • Tool Bar. NOTE ABOUT ctl3d.dll This dll unit must be in your windows\system directory. If you already have this dll in there then don't do anything. This is a Microsoft DLL that gives dialog box's a 3D look. THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE. YOU CAN USE IT AS LONG AS YOU LIKE IT. PASS IT ON TO YOUR FRIEND'S IF YOU FIND ANY BUG'S IN THIS PROGRAM PLEASE FAX ME @ 510-743-0529 WITH THE ERROR INFORMATION AND WHAT YOU WERE DOING.